What Is The Male Hormone Testosterone?

Male Hormone Testosterone

Androgens have effects such as “increasing libido” and “increasing/maintaining muscle strength.”

However, male hormones gradually decrease.

What is the male hormone “testosterone”?

Androgens are produced only in two places, the adrenal glands, and the testes.

What is produced in the testes is “testosterone.”

Testosterone accounts for about 95% of male hormones.

The role of testosterone

Testosterone, which accounts for the majority of male hormones essential to form the sperm, is further also important in order to maintain the muscle mass plays a role.

The presence of testosterone is essential to increase the blood needed to promote an erection, as it also has a hematopoietic effect.

In addition, the action of testosterone is involved in maintaining concentration and normal judgment.

Androgens are very important for men to lead a healthy life.

What happens if you run out of testosterone?

If you are deficient in testosterone for some reason, it will be difficult to produce sperm.

Inhibition of blood circulation makes it more likely to cause an erection disorder.

In addition to anemia, loss of muscle mass, and loss of bone density, hair growth may be delayed.

In addition, lower testosterone levels are more likely to affect cognitive function adversely.

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What causes the decrease in male hormones?

The main causes of reducing androgens are

  • Aging
  • Disordered eating habits
  • Lack of exercise
  • Fatigue / stress
  • If you can think of a clause, you need to improve your lifestyle.
  • Aging

When Leydig cells decrease with age, testosterone cannot be produced, and male hormones gradually decrease.

In the case of men, testosterone levels decrease by about 5% even at the age of 40.

The rate of decrease in testosterone levels increases with age.

Disordered eating habits

“Cholesterol” is one of the raw materials for testosterone.

If your diet is disturbed, you will not have enough cholesterol, and it will be difficult to secrete male hormones.

Ingredients that are effective in increasing male hormones will be described later.

Eating a well-balanced diet helps reduce the decrease in male hormones.

Lack of exercise

There is a close relationship between “muscle” and “testosterone.”

With the loss of muscle, testosterone is also lost.

If you aren’t exercising with muscles, your male hormones will drop, and you’ll lose your masculinity. Vilitra 20 and Vidalista 60 the treatment for ED.

Fatigue / stress

When you feel tired or stressed, male hormones drop sharply.

It is important to strive to improve the living environment where you are less likely to feel fatigued and stress.

The accumulation of these causes also triggers male menopause (LOH syndrome).

5 Ways to Increase Androgens (Testosterone)

To increase male hormones, it is important to supplement cholesterol.

Start by improving your diet.

The “five ways to increase androgen (testosterone)” that I will introduce are especially effective for increasing testosterone.

Get enough protein, fat, and minerals.

Protein is a nutrient needed to build muscle.

By ingesting protein and increasing muscle mass, it is easier to increase the secretion of male hormones.

Androgens are also made from cholesterol, so lipids, which are the source of cholesterol, are also important.

Minerals also play an important role in activating germ cells, so take zinc and magnesium as well.

Proteins are abundant in lean meats, soybeans, and dairy products, cholesterol in salmon and tuna, and minerals in small fish, oysters, and meat liver.

Reduce sugar intake

Carbohydrate restriction is also effective for increasing the effectiveness of strength training. Carbohydrate restriction helps to achieve a cycle that activates androgens.

Do muscle training

By doing muscle training and teasing your body, a lot of the male hormone testosterone is secreted.

  • When exercising, incorporate muscle training.
  • Let’s become a masochist and warn your ugly body.
  • The greater the number of male hormones.
  • For the upper body, weight training
  • Squats for the lower body
  • It is especially effective to train with.

Rather than doing less stressful exercise for long periods of time, it’s easier to achieve your goal of increasing androgens by training hard at short intervals.


A deficiency of testosterone, which makes up about 95% of male hormones, can lead to erectile dysfunction and decreased sperm mass.

Other problems, such as difficulty in growing hair, are more likely to occur.

To increase male hormones, it is effective to improve eating habits, introduce muscle training, eliminate sleep deprivation, and sunbathe.

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